Knowledge Zenith or their better known abbreviation, KZ Audio is an innovative company that is well known for their budget products that are wild and bold. KZ was founded in 2008 in Guangdong, China and they are one of the pioneers in making audiophile in-ears from China, thus creating the chi-fi (China HiFi) segment that has grown to a reputable segment today. They do have their hits and misses over the years but one thing is for sure is the well priced products and good built quality that are accessible for all users around the globe. 2021 has been a great year for chi-fi products and for KZ as they have certainly matured in their sound tuning this year with well received in-ears such as the ZAS, EDX, ZEX and many more that has taken a path of smooth sounding in-ears while still inheriting a budget conscious mind. Following the success of the ZEX in-ears, KZ has decided to release an new iteration with a slight upgrade with an addition of a balanced armature and they have seek the help of the well known reviewer, Crinacle, to fine tune the ZEX Pro. To no surprise, they are very well hyped with plenty of praises all around the globe for their sound quality. KZ China has kindly sent us a pair of ZEX Pro in exchange for an honest review and we appreciate the opportunity they have given us. Will the ZEX Pro be as good as the hype goes? We are surely intrigued and we shall find out in this review.
Functions & Specifications
Before we start the review, here are the specifications of the ZEX Pro;
- Sensitivity: 104dB
- Resistance :25Ω
- Frequency: 20hz-40khz
- Driver: 6.8mm Electret driver + 10mm Dual Magnetic Dynamic driver 1x 30095 Balanced armature
- Plug: 3.5mm with or without microphone
- Pin: 0.75mm
- Length: 120cm
The ZEX Pro can be purchased at Official KZ brand store :
Official store link :
KZ Zex PRO link :
Packaging & Accessories
KZ has been very generous in their low price of their products and the ZEX Pro is no exception, therefore the packaging of the ZEX Pro is very bare to the bone with a simple and small box that has the looks that reflects their low price but they are well packaged. Inside, we will only find 3 pairs of eartips varying in size, a 3.5mm cable and the ZEX Pro itself without any case. This product is purely meant for the sound that they produce and that is what really matters to me. This set is the original ZEX Pro that has different packaging and doesn’t have the Crinacle logo on it, however, they are similar in sound.
The design of the ZEX Pro is actually quite good. They are very well built and they feel really solid in hand, in fact they felt better than their predecessor, ZEX with a better shorter nozzle and a metal nozzle. They look premium with their metal faceplate with a vent hole at the back with a metal mesh fixed. They have a resin front end and they are very well incorporated. Overall, their build quality is really good and very well designed.
The cable provided is a simple 2 core 3.5mm silver plated OFC cable and can be chosen with microphone or without. The connectors are reversed 0.75mm 2 pins that are quite similar to QDC ones but they are 0.78mm, but they do fit each other and they are quite stable in the connectors with a tight fitting.

The ZEX Pro is equipped with a single 10mm dual magnetic dynamic driver, a 6.8mm electromagnetic driver and a single 30095 balanced armature with a passive crossover.
Gears Used for Comparisons
- FiiO M11Plus LTD
- Audio GD 28.38, dual clocks, Amanero USB
- Questyle M12
- Hidizs S9 Pro
- Etymotic ER3SE
- Intime Kira
- HZ Sound Heart Mirror
- Reecho SG-01
- Smabat Proto 1.0
- KBear Aurora
Songs list
Tone and Presentation
The ZEX Pro is a balanced sounding in-ears with a boost in the treble region and they are truly different to most of the strong V shaped sound profiles of KZ products. They are bright in their presentation and have a very good clarity in their sound. Details on these ZEX Pro is great from end to end with an accurate sound that is inoffensive. They are a fun set to listen to as they are energetic and have a fast pace presentation. Though they are accurate, they are a little unnatural sounding with a slight dryness in the high region and a rather thin midrange but given the low price, they are acceptable.
Soundstage in the ZEX Pro is actually quite good with them having an adequate height and width in their presentation. They are not mind-blowingly great in their soundstage but they do punch above their asking price in this criteria. They have a small sized headroom and they sound quite intimate. 3D representation is good with sound placements portrayed in the right way. They sounded great here but lacked a holographic sound but in a small margin.
Separation and Timbre
The separation in the ZEX Pro is mediocre as they are a hybrid in-ears and the bass are slightly separated from the high range. They are not very audible but with complicated tracks like classicals, their separation might not be their strong suit. Layering is good and they sounded acceptable without any major congestion. Timbre on the other hand is average but they do sound accurate and correct without an over coloured sound. Overall, for a hybrid in-ears, they are well tuned without any major problems in their coherency and given their price, they are actually good.
Rated at 25 ohms, they are easily driven with a smartphone or laptop with adequate power. They are quite picky with their pairing as some bright sources will incur harshness in their presentation but with the correct pairing, they do sound nice. They are not quite scalable in their sound but they sounded better with a dedicated digital audio player or a good DAC/amplifier and they sounded slightly more refined. They are not so forgiving in their nature as badly mastered tracks will show their flaws and with great recording, they sounded great. Feed the ZEX Pro with a great source and good recordings and they will surely perform better.
The Bass (Low)
Bass on the ZEX Pro is a flat and neutral type of bass that has a good clarity. Their quantity is average as they do not sound strong and do not possess any mid bass lift but still able to made their presence. Bass heads or bass lovers might as well stay away from these in-ears but bass purists might find the ZEX Pro quite attractive. Their bass has a decent clarity and details are well embedded in their presentation and they do not sound bloaty nor having any bleed into the other frequencies. Sub-bass has some depth into it and they are quite audible but they do not have a great extension to it. Though they may lack in quantity, they actually do make up for their quality as they sounded very clear, clean and inoffensive. Overall, I find the bass rather pleasant as they do not incur fatigue and they are suitable for long listening sessions but they do lack an energetic performance and might sound unappealing to certain tracks like EDM.
The Mids
Midrange that the ZEX Pro possesses is a neutral type of mids that has a very mild recessed sound making them sometimes sound a little on the V shaped side but for my ears they are quite balanced as the midrange blends quite well with their bass and high range. Midrange has the clarity and details in their presentation making them a good technical in-ears. Vocals on the ZEX Pro sounded very clean and slightly intimate but they lacked body. They sounded a little lacklustre in their vocals and instruments sounded a tad bit on the thinner side. Midranges here are tilting towards a cold, analytical side and they are not a warm sounding. Though they lack body and emotions, they sounded quite accurate and very clean without any veil.
The Highs
The High range of the ZEX Pro has a mild boost in their presentation making them leaning towards a brighter side of the sound spectrum. Clarity and details that the high range has is above average and they sounded clear without any hiss, also, they have a decent extension and air in their performance. High range has a lively sparkle and has a mild crispness making them sound energetic. Their treble sounded accurate but in my opinion, they are a little dry and slightly on the harsher side. They are not shouty or peaky, but their treble does lack smoothness and on certain tracks like instrumentals, they sounded a little unnatural. Sibilance is still under control and to me but they are bordering on being sibilant sounding. Overall, their high range performs well technically but they sounded a little unpolished and edgy.
The original ZEX is the predecessor of the ZEX Pro that is half the asking price and they have one of the best price versus performance ratios that is very well accepted in the audiophile community. They are quite similar but the ZEX Pro has an extra 30095 balanced armature in their configuration. Design on the ZEX Pro is better by having a shorter, metal nozzle and they are more comfortable to wear.
High range in ZEX sounded smoother and less harsh but the ZEX Pro sounded clearer with better details. ZEX treble has a bit more body to it and they do not sound as dry. Extension on the ZEX Pro treble is better by a small margin.
Midrange on the ZEX Pro has a better presence and they sounded a little more forward than the slightly recessed sound in the ZEX. ZEX midrange sounded thicker but details on the ZEX Pro are better. Vocals sounded clearer on the ZEX Pro but ZEX sounded more emotional and lush.
Bass on the ZEX has the edge in quantity as well as the sub-bass extension. Bass on the ZEX Pro sounded tighter and cleaner. ZEX slam is more boomy in their presentation and the ZEX Pro slam sounded tighter.
The soundstage on the ZEX Pro is wider and slightly taller than the slightly closed, intimate soundstage on the ZEX.
Overall, I do prefer the ZEX over the ZEX Pro in terms of music enjoyment.

VS Reecho SG01
Reecho SG01 is a stunner in performance for the low price that they offer. It houses a single graphene coated dynamic driver and they have a focus on their high range, also, they are built solidly. Both are great in their comfort and build. SG01 does have a better cohesion as they are a single dynamic driver based in-ears. SG01 cost a little more than the ZEX Pro.
Highs on the SG01 are more polished and sound smoother though their quantity is quite similar. Treble on the SG01 sounded more natural and they are not as dry. Crispness in the high range is better on the SG01.
Midrange on the SG01 has a more forward approach and they sounded thicker with better resolution. Clarity on the ZEX Pro is better with more details embedded.
Bass on THE ZEX Pro is cleaner and clearer. SG01 bass has a better slam and a bigger sub-bass presence.

Soundstage on both is quite similar to each other.
VS HZ Sound Heart Mirror
The Heart Mirror is a beast in their technicalities and known for their great performance with a price tag that is approachable for budget conscious users. They cost a little more than the ZEX Pro and they house a CNT dynamic driver in them.
Bass on both of these units have the same quantity but the ZEX pro has a better slam. Sub-bass on the ZEX Pro is stronger and extends a little deeper. Clarity in the bass department of the Heart Mirror is clearer.
Midrange of the Heart Mirror sounded more emotional and a tad bit clearer. Details on both in this region are similar but the Heart Mirror managed to sound more lush and organic.
High range in the Heart Mirror has a more organic and smoother response. Their treble has a bigger volume but they are not harsh or peaky to listen to. Both had an amount of sparkle but the Heart Mirror sounded more crisp.
Soundstage on ZEX Pro is slightly wider but height is quite similar. Cohesion on the Heart Mirror is better but the ZEX Pro sounded fuller.
FiiO M11Plus LTD
The M11Plus LTD is my go-to digital audio player that houses 2 of the rare AKM AK4497eq dac chips with dual THX amplification that sounds neutral with a hint of warmness. With this pairing, the ZEX Pro sounded more acceptable especially in their high range. Treble sounded a little smoother but at high volume, they are still a little rough on the edges. Treble still sounds a little unnatural but not as bad with other simple setup like a basic dongle. Midrange has a slight boost in their thickness while still retaining their clarity and details. Bass has a deeper slam and they sounded more present. Sub-bass reaches slightly deeper and they are more energetic. Soundstage has a wider and taller feel to it but in a small margin. To me, this pairing is quite decent as it polishes out the harsh treble and gives the midrange more body.
Questyle M12
The Questyle M12 is equipped with a Sabre DAC chipset, the ES9281AC that has their own signature ‘current mode amplification’ that has a great performance in a small package. They are my go-to setup for an ultra portable outing. High range has increased in quantity and they sounded crisper but still sounded a little harsh. Treble has a more organic feel but still just a tad bit unnatural. Midrange sounded clearer and more forward with a dash of thickness added. Bass sounded almost the same but I do feel that the slam is tighter. Soundstage wise they add a more holographic performance to it sounding more 3D-esque. Overall, they are quite good in polishing the harsh treble a little for a more pleasant listening.

Who Is It For?
The KZ ZEX Pro is a quite well tuned in-ears that are suited for those who want a boost in terms of clarity and details. They possess a bass performance that is clean and clear but lack the quantity for a basshead. For those who want good technical in-ears without breaking the bank, they are great. For users who wanted a balanced profile in-ears with a decent sized soundstage, they are good in their price bracket and as a collectors item as they sounded unique for a KZ product.
Final words
KZ has truly matured over the years and they are well on the way to success if they were to keep this up. Their products now have managed to sound pleasant with a great sound quality while still keeping their low price philosophy has surely made heads turning in a good way. The ZEX Pro is a well tuned balanced in-ears that is clean and clear in their presentation but what I do feel that they lack is a lush and emotional sound that is found in the original ZEX. Their treble sounded unnatural and harsh for my ears maybe due to their in house balanced armature. They are in my opinion not an upgrade from the ZEX, but rather a sidegrade giving a slightly different taste in tuning. As for cohesiveness for a hybrid, they are tuned well enough to sound in harmony with their drivers but the overall performance for me, they lack a soulful presentation. All that being said, the ZEX Pro is still a relevant product as they are priced very low, solidly built and have a better fit than the original ZEX. There is certainly time for KZ to improve and honestly, I love where KZ Audio is heading as they listen to the feedback that we, the users, feed them.
I would rate this product a 3 and half stars over 5.